/manager/Index en-au 5 Computation and experimental evaluation of Mordell-Tornheim-Witten sum derivatives /manager/Repository/uon:36036 Wed 29 Jan 2020 16:32:09 AEDT ]]> Computer Discovery and Analysis of Large Poisson Polynomials /manager/Repository/uon:32052 m, n oddcos (mπx)cos (nπy)/(m2 + n2) = log A, where  A is an algebraic number, and explicit minimal polynomials associated with A were computed for a few specific rational arguments x and y. Based on these results, one of us (Kimberley) conjectured a number-theoretic formula for the degree of A in the case x = y = 1/s for some integer s. These earlier studies were hampered by the enormous cost and complexity of the requisite computations. In this study, we address the Poisson polynomial problem with significantly more capable computational tools. As a result of this improved capability, we have confirmed that Kimberley’s formula holds for all integers s up to 52 (except for s = 41, 43, 47, 49, 51, which are still too costly to test), and also for s = 60 and s = 64. As far as we are aware, these computations, which employed up to 64,000-digit precision, producing polynomials with degrees up to 512 and integer coefficients up to 10229, constitute the largest successful integer relation computations performed to date. By examining the computed results, we found connections to a sequence of polynomials defined in a 2010 paper by Savin and Quarfoot. These investigations subsequently led to a proof, given in the Appendix, of Kimberley’s formula and the fact that when s is even, the polynomial is palindromic (i.e., coefficient ak = am − k, where m is the degree).]]> Thu 26 Apr 2018 11:36:50 AEST ]]> Applications of integer relation algorithms /manager/Repository/uon:13065 T=0. We discuss the algorithms for finding such integer relations from the user's point of view, by presenting examples of their applications and by reviewing the available software implementations.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:37 AEDT ]]> Extending the PSLQ algorithm to algebraic integer relations /manager/Repository/uon:45544 Mon 07 Nov 2022 10:57:21 AEDT ]]>